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A member registered Jan 05, 2021

Recent community posts

what happened to the old version? with the whole menu and the nightclu

im confused on which file to download, i have paid ofc but there only the "In heat first night", "in heat demo" and "classic models for blender" what is the newest build of the game??

is this in VR???

what happens after alice ring? nobody is giving story quests?

nvm its a silver cat ring, the one i found before was a gold ring, just follow the crow sounds

so when i went to check out the village for the traveller dude's quest i found a bird nest and a ring (probably Alice's) before i had Alice's ring quest, is there multiple bird nests or am i fucked?

its tagged with VRchat... can i play in VR??

is this vr?

nvm it was just the poppi tease gallery vid bugging ou

what is that weird noise that plays the whole time? its like a deep pitch then a high squeak...

how do i do the last three missions

is there a way to interact with the hell hound? like naughty or headpat?

is there 2 new girls? hell and someone else?

is the change of plans event in game? if so how do i find it

how often are updates?

why cant i change the cam, is it lets be naughty or interact> sex?

how do i get the hellhound event

what is hidden money for

is the pregnancy thing already in game or no? and the invite girls to room.

i go there but nothing happene

im stuck on meeting with the girl

ive just fixed the power thing in the house and went to all their rooms, what do i do now?